
MinistryStory.com exists to help churches, ministries, and Christian business owners to represent themselves with greater excellence and effectiveness.

Our purpose is to strategically help you navigate and implement tools that will enable you to communicate more effectively why your organization exists and how you help people.

Specifically, we help churches to recreate their web sites and communication tools (electronic and print) so they can tell the story of Jesus in the most effective way.  Your church has a specific and unique mission and a personal story about how you serve Him in your local community – we’ll help you tell it with greater impact, effectiveness and excellence.

A Passion To Serve Churches

Churches have the best story on the planet to tell…sadly, they often are the poorest storytellers I have ever met.  It is time to do something about that…and I can help you!

Church Marketing NavigatorMy name is David Tonen.  I am the Marketing Navigator here at MinistryStory.com.

I have over 20 years of corporate sales and marketing experience which will help your ministry communicate the story of Jesus and the story of your church so that you will have greater impact reaching your community.  I have been a church leader for over 20 years – so I understand the uniqueness of church culture and ministry objectives.  I am also keenly aware of the need for good stewardship.

It is my heart to serve you so you can serve others. Every aspect of the services provided here at MinistryStory.com are viewed through a marketing lens to help optimize your ministry impact.  I really want to see your church be as successful as it possibly can be to fulfill the mission that God has given you – so, I am here to help you!


Our services are personal and customized to the uniqueness of your ministry.  There are no cookie cutter processes here.

Your ministry is unique.  Your story is unique.  The tools you implement to tell that story will be unique.

I Want To Hear Your Ministry Story

I’ll be happy to provide an initial, no-obligation to proceed, consultation.  After hearing your story, I can assess where you are, what you need, and the process and tools that will best accomplish your ministry goals given the budget you have.  I know I can help you.  Let’s talk – contact me today!

Services Include

  • website development (several types of packages with varying services and price-points) – we can help any church!
  • domain name registration
  • website hosting
  • church and ministry search engine optimization (SEO)
  • church social media strategies
  • e-mail communication strategies
  • print materials design and production
  • strategic ministry communication plans


I have assembled a team of people with specific training and experience to ensure you get the best and most reliable services at the most reasonable cost.

  • 3 graphic designers
  • 2 website designers
  • 1 photographer
  • 1 marketing strategist
  • 1 print materials specialist

MinistryStory.com has the resources to make sure your ministry story will be told most effectively!